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CSE Style

Council of Science Editor style guide

In-Text Citations

You must include the last name of the author(s) and the year of publication in the text of your paper.

Include last name and year in parentheses:

Fluoridated water as well as various fluoride products such as toothpaste provide fluoride ions necessary for remineralization (Jones 2020).

Include last name in the text and the year in parentheses:

Jones states that fluoridated water as well as various fluoride products such as toothpaste provide fluoride ions necessary for remineralization (2020).

2 authors:

(Jones and Adams 2020)

More than 2 authors:

(Jones et al. 2020)

No author:

(Fluoridated water... 2020) - use the first few letters of the title and follow with an ellipis

No date:

(Smith [Date unknown]) - use the first few letters of the title and follow with an ellipis