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Not the Normal Book Club: About


Not The Normal Book Club

We all are in search of something new or interesting all the time. That is why we want to know what you are reading, and why you think someone else should read it.

It applies to movies, TV series, audiobooks, podcasts, documentaries, games, or any other format we do not know yet. 

Everyone is invited!

How does it work?

Option 1: Not the Normal Book Club in Teams

It will be an informal conversation, where we can share what every one of us is watching/reading/listening. 

Every Tuesday @ 12:30 pm to 1:00 pm, starting on March 30th until May 11th, 2021.

Option 2: Not the Normal Book Club in Padlet

Write a review, and give us your name if you want to. We will talk about this in our weekly meetings.